secular progressivism

The Destructive Collusion Between Government and Academia

n the 1970s, Irving Kristol began to document a disturbing consequence of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, which, among other things, had funded large numbers of social scientists to research the best ways government might help poor and minority families. Despite the optimistic titles on the studies, a close analysis of the programs they […]

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Solzhenitsyn’s Wisdom: Defeat Progressivism with Conversation

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the growing antisemitism on America’s campuses is just how long those in the best position to do something about it — alumni, major donors, the legislative overseers of state schools, students’ parents, and less radical professors — continued to overlook its motivating ideology. Academic sympathy for doing whatever it

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The Doomsday Clock Has Been Corrupted by Climate Extremists

Ever since I can remember, I have always been aware of something called the “Doomsday Clock,” a symbolized calculation produced by a panel of prominent scientists of just how close humanity is to destroying itself. Published on the cover of every issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a journal founded in 1945 by Manhattan

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Progressivism as Camouflage

It is hardly news that America’s political divide has widened considerably in recent years. Whereas past policy debates typically occurred between people with roughly similar views of history and social philosophy, many colleges, non-profits, and other institutions have adopted a so-called “progressive” viewpoint which holds that the U.S. is fundamentally racist, dominated by an intrinsically

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Secular Progressivism Doesn’t March Through Institutions — It Props Up Failing Ones

In the United States, the interest groups most strongly associated with neo-Marxist ideas would have been forced to operate more efficiently long ago, had they not assumed the mantle of social justice warriors. What American leftists like to describe as their commitment to greater fairness and equality almost always turns out to be a superficial

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Secular Progressives: the Real Social Darwinists

Ever since New York Governor Mario Cuomo accused Ronald Reagan of practicing “social Darwinism” in a speech at the 1984 Democrat Party convention, progressive politicians have attempted to cast conservative economic policies as sanctioning predatory business practices. But if we were going to judge policies more by their results than by stated intentions, the label

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